This is for Redmi Note 4 / 4x Qualcom Snapdragon (mido)
TWRP for oreo lineage 15
- Install fastboot tools from google’s sdk on your PC
- Enter fastboot mode
- Unlock your bootloader
- Download recovery*.img and Lazyflasher
- Copy lazyflasher In your internal Phone memory
- Run fastboot flash recovery cofface_recovery_mido_20170215.img in command line
- Boot into recovery and flash Lazy flasher (Important for miui, else you can’t boot into system!)
- Reboot and enjoy it
Failed to add acount to unlock
- signout mi account
- sign in again
- add acount
- and open mi unlock
Remove micloud
Firmware_Micloud_Redmi_Note_4x_Mido .tgz (Pass micloud)