Unbrick method has been Tested on Redmi 6a (cactus) and Redmi 6 (cereus) and and Redmi Note 8 Pro (begonia)
- This method was created by @Dinolek and credit to @chaosmaster @xyzz and tutorial from yarpopkov
- config file & payload here
- scatter cereus global images V9.6.11.0.zip (redmi 6a)
- scatter cactus global images V9.6.11.0.zip (redmi 6)
- scatter redmi note 8 pro begonia.zip
- Download SP flash tool Here
- Python
- libusb-win32-devel-filter
Step :
- Run Python Installer
- You need to do as in the screenshot
- Run CMD
- Enter command
- python -m pip install pyusb pyserial json5
- Exit CMD
- Go to the Driver folder
- Go to the Driver folder and right-click on the cdc-acm.inf file, then click Install
- Close Window
- Download https://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win32-releases/
- 11) Install and run
- Click Next
- Connect the smartphone with the Vol+ button pressed and quickly select and install the device that appears
- Go to the Bypass folder
- Run this command and connect your powered off phone with volume+ button, you should get “Protection disabled” at the end
python main.py -c mt6765_config.json -p mt6765_payload.bin
- Pus Vol up on smartphone connect it to the PC
- Close Window
- Open Sp FlashTool
- Click Options > Options > Connection and make the settings as in the screenshot
- After selecting the Scatter file from the images folder in the line Scatter-loading File and click Download
- The firmware process has started. After the green check mark appears
- Turn On Your Phone