Blogger Jateng

List of Windows 10/ 11 Custom Image (Modified)

 Just summorize so i will not forget. If you need to download driver use Snappy Driver Installer 

Windows Tiny10 

It is for everyone who needs a really lightweight yet still dependable operating system, being fully serviceable while still being able to run on low end hardware.  Modified by ntdev

Legacy  builds

The old tiny10 builds from 2020, based on Windows 10 LTSC 2019.

They are VERY barebones, and not suitable for daily use. However, they are perfect for very old PCs and for experiments that require little amounts of space and processing power. 

These are the builds of tiny10 that started it all, released way back in 2020. They are based on Windows 10 LTSC 2019, and are VERY barebones, tiny10 b3 being able to fit on a CD!

However, they are perfect for very old PCs and for experiments that require little amounts of space and processing power. 

Download 2024 version LTSC 1809

Download 2023 version LTSC 1809

Windows Tiny11


Windows Spectre